Шватка Фредерик (1849-1892)

История высоких широт в биографиях и судьбах.

Шватка Фредерик (1849-1892)

Сообщение Иван Кукушкин » 25 Июнь 2009 18:03

Frederick Schwatka (1849-1892).
Portrait from William Gilderls Schwatka’s. Search
Библиотека «Вехи» http://www.vehi.net/brokgauz/index.html
Энциклопедический Словарь Ф.А.Брокгауза и И.А.Ефрона
В 86 томах с иллюстрациями и дополнительными материалами, С.-Петербургъ, 1890—1907

Шватка Фредерик (Schwatka) — исследователь полярных стран (1849-1892). Получил образование в Вестпойнтской академии в Северной Америке; в 1871 г., состоя на военной службе, принял участие в походе против индейского племени Сиу. В 1878-80 гг. предпринял экспедицию для отыскания Франклина. Отправившись на китоловном судне до Гудзонова залива, он перезимовал в Честерфильд-Инлете и оттуда с 12 эскимосами направился к устью Большой Рыбьей реки и до Земли Короля Вильгельма, на пути открыв разные следы Франклиновой экспедиции. В 1883 и 1886 гг. дважды руководил экспедицией на Аляску. Напечатал: "Report of a military reconnaissance in Alaska made in 1883" (Вашингтон, 1885); "Along Alaska Great River" (Нью-Йорк, 1885); "Nimrod in the North, or hunting and fishing adventures in the Arctic regions" (1885); "The children of the cold" (1886) и многочисленные статьи в географических журналах.

Ср. Klutschak, "Als Eskimo unter Eskimos" (Вена, 1881); Gilder, "Schwatka's search" (Нью-Йорк, 1882).

GILDER, WILLIAM H. 1881. Schwatka’s Search: Sledging in the Arctic in Quest of the Franklin Records. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
SCHWATKA, FREDERICK. 1883. Along Alaska’s Great River: A Popular Account of the Travels of an Alaska Exploring Expedition along the Great Yukon River. New York: Cassell & Co.
SCHWATKA, FREDERICK. 1885. Nimrod in the North. New York: Cassell & Co.
STACKPOLE, EDOUARD A. ( 4 . ) . 1977. The Long Arctic Search: The Narrative of Lieutenant Frederick Schwatka, U.S.A. Chester, Connecticut: The Pequot Press.

http://www.virtualmuseum.ca/Exhibitions/Goldrushphoto/02english/02extra/02schwatka.html © Government of Yukon Heritage Branch 2001

U.S. Lieutenant Frederick Schwatka (1849-1892) crossed the Chilkoot Pass and explored the Yukon River in 1883 under orders from General Nelson A. Miles and without notifying the Canadian government. His photographer and topographer, Pte. Charles A. Homan, made a rough survey of the course of the river. The work was incorporated into a map issued in 1885 by the U.S. Geological Service. This was the best map of the area until the Canadian Geological Service issued those made by George Dawson and William Ogilvie in 1888. Homan's photographs were reproduced as photo engravings in Schwatka's many publications.

 The Arctic Expedition 15.014.jpg
University of Southern Maine http://usm.maine.edu/maps/exhibit15/15-03.htm

“The American Franklin Search Expedition: Reindeer Hunting,” ILN, 8 Jan 1881

Such was the power of the Franklin search on the American imagination that Americans would still be leading expeditions to find the party thirty years after Franklin’s disappearance. Lt. Frederick Schwatka’s expedition, pictured here, left the United States in 1878 in search of Franklin relics. Sensitive to the charge that Arctic exploration had become costly, risky, and increasingly irrelevant, expedition artists such as Heinrich W. Klutschak gave expeditionary life a patriotic gloss. In this scene, Schwatka’s reindeer hunt bears a strong resemblance to Emanuel Leutze’s Washington Crosses the Delaware which had become famous thirty years earlier in New York City.

The Graphic (publisher), England, est. 1869
"There's a sweet little cherub that sits up aloft." The Arctic Expedition: The "Crow's Nest”
from The Graphic – An Illustrated Weekly Newspaper, Vol. XI – No. 287, May 29, 1875
wood engraving
Courtesy of the Osher Map Library and Smith Center for Cartographic Education at the University of Southern Maine, OML-1875-26
Image: 15.014
 Arctic Scenery 15.012.jpg
George C. Leighton (publisher)
Arctic Scenery: Cape of Pillars, Crown Prince Rudolf Land
from The Illustrated London News, September 11, 1875
wood engraving
Courtesy of the Osher Map Library and Smith Center for Cartographic Education at the University of Southern Maine, OML-1875-27
Image: 15.012
 The American Franklin 15.013.jpg
H.W. Klutschak (artist)
George C. Leighton, (publisher)
The American Franklin Search Expedition: Crossing Simpson's Strait in Kayaks
from The Illustrated London News, January 8, 1881
wood engraving
Courtesy of the Osher Map Library and Smith Center for Cartographic Education at the University of Southern Maine, OML-1881-22
Image: 15.013
 The American Franklin 15.015.jpg
H.W. Klutschak (artist)
George C. Leighton (publisher)
The American Franklin Search Expedition: Reinder-Hunting in Kayaks
from The Illustrated London News, January 8, 1881
wood engraving
Courtesy of the Osher Map Library and Smith Center for Cartographic Education at the University of Southern Maine, OML-1881-23
Image: 15.015
Аватара пользователя
Иван Кукушкин
Сообщения: 11082
Зарегистрирован: 17 Июнь 2007 05:52
Откуда: Нижний Новгород

Шватка Фредерик (1849-1892)

Сообщение Георгий Паруирович » 23 Июнь 2014 21:05

Фото могилы Шватки США, штат Орегон, г. Салем, кладбище Salem Pioneer (фото из Интернета) http://www.gpavet.narod.ru/Places/photo ... tkamog.jpg
Георгий Паруирович
Сообщения: 215
Зарегистрирован: 09 Июнь 2014 21:58

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