Тема: Дрейфующие станции. Ледовые, судовые, сезонные и долговременные.


Сообщение Иван Кукушкин » 30 Октябрь 2011 17:11

:": Trip to APLIS ice camp to embark USS Annapolis

APLIS 2009 was established on the pack ice in the
Beaufort Sea, about 200 n mi north-northeast of
Prudhoe Bay, Alaska.

Sub-zero temperatures and high winds freeze
everything... quickly.

Applied Physics Laboratory Ice Station 1988
Raising the rails for the mess tent, attached to the

Transporting shelter panels on sleds from the runway
to the campsite.
Applied Physics Laboratory Ice Station 2009
http://www.apl.washington.edu/projects/ ... mmary.html

    The 2009 Applied Physics Laboratory Ice Station (APLIS 2009) established an arctic ice camp on an ice floe in the Beaufort Sea to support U.S. Navy and civilian personnel. For about two weeks in March, when temperatures were as low as –30°F, engineers from the Laboratory's Ocean Engineering Department and Navy personnel conducted under-ice exercises (ICEX) with two submarines on site. This 2009 ice station re-establishes APL-UW as the U.S. Navy's premier arctic logistics provider, and recognizes the Lab's expertise in arctic logistics and science that stretches back to the 1970s.

    APL-UW provides three major functions at the ice station: logistics, underwater tracking, and under-ice diving. Logistics includes all aspects of establishing a camp—building fabrication, runway creation and maintenance, aircraft and helicopter contracting, and electrical, heat, and food service support. APL-UW deploys and operates an in-house designed underwater tracking range system, which provides 24/7 tracking range support for all Navy underwater systems. A new digitally-based tracking range receiver was deployed this year. Finally, APL-UW under-ice divers recover the test torpedoes after being fired from submarines. These research divers are highly trained in extreme low temperature water and under-ice conditions.


    Planning process began in early 2008 to secure aircraft, fuel, buildings, food, equipment, and transportation
    26 February 2009: The APL-UW logistics team arrives in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, to establish the forward base of operations.
    27 February–3 March: Ice camp site search conducted with a ski-equipped Cessna 185 and Grand Caravan aircraft. The aircraft, used to shuttle personnel and all equipment and supplies to the ice camp, are limited to a 250-mile range from Prudhoe Bay.
    4–19 March: Camp built and tracking range installed. 175,000 lbs of equipment/supplies are flown to the ice camp. Sustained winds during buildup moved the ice floe supporting the camp nearly 80 n mi in one week.
    17 March: USS Annapolis arrives
    18 March: USS Helena arrives
    19–28 March: U.S. Navy under-ice exercises (ICEX)
    Sixteen test torpedo shots and recoveries
    Ten submarine surfacings
    Camp population was sustained at 52, and reached a maximum of 72
    29–31 March: Demobilization


    APL-UW first collaborated with U.S. Navy exercises in the Arctic in 1974, and has served in logistics and science roles over the past three-plus decades, most recently establishing ice stations in 2003 and 2007.


    To build a village for a population of over 50 on an ice floe in the Beaufort Sea some 200 miles from land is a severe logistics test. Construction of APLIS began with pioneering flights out of Prudhoe Bay to search for a location with ideal ice conditions. The art of choosing appropriate ice includes discerning ice thickness, smoothness, sheet size, and the presence of leads while flying over in an aircraft. For example, ice only 12" thick—too thin for aircraft operations—appears darker from about 700' above.

    The station was established on a piece of first-year ice, that is, ice that had formed over open water during the preceding fall–winter. The average ice thickness at camp was 4.5'. The sheet was also suitable for two runways set out perpendicular to each other. A preferred runway is about 2000' long and 50' wide. The easiest way to measure is to pace it out, each pace about 3', therefore 16 paces across. The runway was marked with snow-filled black trash bags along the sides and the centerlines were indicated with doubled snow-filled orange trash bags about 500' off each end. An APLIS windsock was placed halfway down and north of the runway per pilots' request.

    Suitable runways were critical as three cargo containers of materiel had to be transported by shuttle flights between Prudhoe Bay and the ice station. On the first day of camp construction the six-person APL-UW logistics team was on the Caravan and in the air by 8 am with floor panels for the first structures. The CASA followed with fuel and floor beams. By the end of the first day one heated structure was complete, the runway was extended to ~1700–1800', and several other structures were partially built.

    For several days the team commuted between Prudhoe Bay and the ice station. With the completion of a temporary cookhouse and two sleeping cabins, a seven-member team was ready for their first overnight on the ice. After nearly two weeks of work in sub-zero temperatures and near-constant winds, camp construction was complete and all preparations were made for the U.S. Navy exercises.

    During the exercises, camp population was sustained at over 50 personnel, with a maximum of 72. To keep this population fed and warm several flights of food and fuel were required. All the camp's heated structures and the electricity generators required twenty 55 gallon drums of fuel, which had to be filled every two days. Water was produced onsite by daily mining and melting of multiyear ice. Mining multiyear ice is the preferred method as it is very pure (low salt content) and cheaper than flying in bottled water. APLIS used 75–100 gallons of water daily.

    The transfer of personnel and materiel to and from APLIS employed several aircraft. The "APLIS Air Force" consisted of a Cessna Grand Caravan for personnel and materiel transfer, a CASA 212 for large cargo, and two Bell helicopters, a 212 and 412sp, for local camp support including torpedo recoveries. On most days during the exercise, there were two flights from the CASA and Caravan to be unloaded and loaded.

    Ground transportation was by foot or snowmobile. The APLIS motorpool was made up of three heavy duty and three light weight snowmobiles. The lightweight snowmobiles could be used on ice mining excursions and to move a couple people at a time. The heavy duty snowmobiles were used to move large items including camp structures.
Аватара пользователя
Иван Кукушкин
Сообщения: 11082
Зарегистрирован: 17 Июнь 2007 05:52
Откуда: Нижний Новгород


Сообщение Иван Кукушкин » 30 Октябрь 2011 20:18

ТОФ будет следить за учениями атомных субмарин США около Аляски
05/03/2009 18:38 http://dv.ria.ru/army/20090305/81746298-print.html

    ВЛАДИВОСТОК, 5 мар 2009 - РИА Новости. Силы и средства Тихоокеанского флота (ТОФ) будут отслеживать действия подводных лодок ВМС США в районе Аляски во время проведения учений ICEX 2009, сообщил РИА Новости в четверг представитель штаба ТОФ.

    Накануне представитель командующего подводными силами Атлантического флота США Меган Иссак сообщила, что атомные подводные лодки (АПЛ) ВМС США отправились к северному побережью Аляски для отработки задач в рамках учений ICEX 2009, которые в зависимости от состояния льда продлятся около двух недель. В учениях задействованы многоцелевые АПЛ класса "Лос-Анджелес" - Helena, которая вышла из Сан-Диего, и Annapolis - из Гротона.

    "Любые действия иностранных подлодок в непосредственной близости от морской границы России вполне естественно требуют повышенного внимания со стороны флота. Тем более, что на прошлых учениях произошел инцидент с британской субмариной", - сказал представитель штаба ТОФ.

    Он напомнил, что последние учения ICEX проводились в 2007 году с участием подлодок Alexandria ВМС США и британской Tireless. В ходе учений при взрыве на борту Tireless два британских моряка погибли и один пострадал. В этом году ВМС Великобритании не представлены на учениях кораблями.

    Представитель ТОФ высказал обеспокоенность в связи с проведением в непосредственной близости от российской морской госграницы, в сложном для мореходства районе Арктики, группового учения атомных подводных лодок ВМС США. "Мы надеемся, что американские коллеги не потеряли навыки сложнейшего подледного плавания, и тем не менее хотелось бы обратить их внимание на повышенный риск маневров в подводной среде Арктики вблизи российской территории", - сказал он.

    По его словам, для обеспечения выполнения этой задачи будут задействованы в первую очередь специальные средства группировки войск и сил на Северо-Востоке, которые базируются на Камчатке. "В первую очередь им поставлена задача контроля российских территориальных вод в целях недопущения нарушения морской границы РФ", - сказал собеседник агентства.

    Он отметил, что особое внимание будет уделено операционной зоне ответственности группировки. "Перед нами поставлена задача вскрытия обстановки в районе российского участка шельфа", - сказал представитель штаба ТОФ.

    По данным из открытых источников, АПЛ США прибудут в залив Прадхо-Бей в 200 милях от северного берега Аляски, где создана временная исследовательская база. Помимо экипажей двух подлодок, в ICEX 2009 примут участие ученые университета Вашингтона и персонал Арктической подводной лаборатории ВМС США. В лагере будут работать офицеры ВМС Великобритании.

    В последние годы Арктика стала объектом пристального внимания России, США, Канады, Великобритании и других стран, имеющих интересы в этом полярном регионе. О создании флотилий судов ледового класса уже объявили США, Канада, КНР, Германия, Швеция. Глобальное потепление приводит к таянию арктических льдов и открывает стратегически важное морское пространство, а также доступ к природным ресурсам, в том числе к нефти и газу.
Аватара пользователя
Иван Кукушкин
Сообщения: 11082
Зарегистрирован: 17 Июнь 2007 05:52
Откуда: Нижний Новгород

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